Listed below is an overview on the steps involved from the day you give us the go ahead for your booking until the start of your trip and the conditions that apply accordingly:
1.) Foreign bank transfer: The invoice must be paid in the currency it is stated in. As the Namibian Dollar (NAD) is NOT a trading currency, please inform your bank to use the South African Rand (ZAR) currency. The Namibian Dollar is linked to the South African Rand (1:1) and both currencies are therefore accepted to the same value in Namibia as payment. Any related bank charges and currency conversions are for your own account. If there were any bookings of services done where the prices are given in USD or any other currencies other than NAD prices, we shall convert the amount to NAD at the date of invoice. By law, we as a Namibian Operator, we can only send out invoices in NAD. Our banking details are as follows: First National Bank (FNB) Namibia Account name: namibia CLICK & TRAVEL Account number(IBAN): 62245905437 Branch Code: 280 472 Branch: Swakopmund Adresse: 16 Tobias Hainyeko Street Swift (BIC): FIRNNANXXXX Our company address: namibia CLICK & TRAVEL Patrick Lungadha Street 9 9000 Erongo Swakopmund Namibia
2.) Credit Card Payment via PAYGATE You can make your payment online by credit card via our secure payment system PAYGATE. VERY IMPORTANT: Payment with credit card come with an additional bank fee of 2.5% of the total amount processed, which will be for your own account. This will not be added automatically, you need to add this to your total invoice amount before making the payment. Please contact us for the payment instructions. You can find the PAYGATE input mask on our website or under the following link:
Shortly before your departure to Namibia, we will send you your travel documents via email. Upon arrival in Namibia you will receive the original documents including the vouchers for all pre-booked services and a Road Map.